I am looking at our schedule for January and...I can breathe! Other than 2 more Christmas celebrations with families that is about it as far as extra activities go. February we start up with swimming lessons and karate again for Micah (as long as I get him registered...mental note to do that) and then our weekends are busy again, birthday for Micah along with a party somewhere and sometime and I'm sure there is a production at school or something that we will have to go to.
For now...I am going to breathe in...and breathe out...breathe in...and breathe out...and just enjoy January.
What a good month for us to get some snow, have a nice cozy day sitting in front of the fireplace as fluffy, white snow lays on the ground for us. Not! (at the moment in Minnesota I can still see more grass...dead grass...than snow) It's coming though people. God has not forgotten that the people who live in Minnesota expect some sort of a winter.
As I am breathing in...breathing out...I am also reflecting on my choices of what I put in my mouth during the month of December. To say that I made great food choices and only had salads when eating out would be a complete lie. I am going to be honest and tell you some of the food choices that I ate. Feel free to look these up and see the calorie content. I am not going to do that...I already know that these were high calorie items.
- Kwik Trip brownies...sometimes with walnuts, sometimes without. This was a trigger food for me for some reason. I'd go to Kwik Trip, I would buy brownies. I have no idea why and they really didn't taste all that good.
- Pie. Not just any pie...pumpkin pecan something or other. I had some at Thanksgiving and I made 2 that I took to my parents house last week.
- chocolate covered pretzels.
- Oreo truffles. Oh my goodness. These were awesome. Not sure that I actually regret eating these...they were amazing! Hanna Lucier...I ate them all. Do not ever share this recipe with me.
- Orange slices. I love these little fake pieces of fruit. Pure sugar. I know. But, I love them.
- Spritz cookies. My mom made these and they bring me back to being a kid. I can't make them like her. I've tried and they just don't work (probably a good thing in disguise). Family recipe though and it is awesome.
- Diet Pepsi. Not as bad as I was but at least 1 a day.
Is that enough or do I need to keep going? I think that is enough for now.
Today I was really feeling guilty over all the horrible things that I put into my body. Those were my choices though and I am owning up to them.
The last couple of weeks (while consuming this food) I have felt tired, run down and just not motivated. Any correlation? I think so.
As the guilt was weighing on me I received an e-mail. The title was "What to do after a binge" and was from (great resource for those looking to get healthier...and it is all free!) I am going to say that the entire month of December was a binge so on I read.
Want to read this article too? Here is a link for ya. Go ahead. You know you feel guilty about what you ate too so read this and learn from it.
Today's workout...I ran today. It was great! I knew that I would have a hard time getting back into the routine of things so I didn't want to start my week with day care kids again by getting up at 4:30am. Getting up at 5:00am seemed so much better. I did some interval running today and finished by running at a speed of 7.5. I usually run at 4.5 or 5 so this was really a big accomplishment. When I run I have to do the hip abductor and adductor machines to help keep my pelvis aligned and where things should be. Running does irritate my hips if I don't do these machines so it is important that I keep up with these exercises after running. I can move a lot of weight though with those machines. Want to know how much I did today? Ok :) I started off 2 years ago being in the 40's and 60 lb weight range. Today, I did a max of 165 lb with one and 215 lb with the other. I do a set of 10 reps and repeat these 3 times. Hips are good to go!
Tomorrow I will be starting day 1 of week 3 in Phase 3. Week 3 is tough! Week 3 is tough! Oh...I already said that. Well, it really is. 14 reps in most exercises. There are a few where that is going to be very hard, like really hard. Gotta keep the saying, "I can do it" in my head though. Even if I have to stop for a second and then keep going...I will finish this week.
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