I have had this past week off and I have really enjoyed it! Maybe that is why I am not really sure what day it is. Not sure my body is ready to get back into the groove of getting up at 4:30am. Those first few days are going to be torture. I've still been getting up at 6/6:30am ish but two hours before that...oh my! My alarm may have to be extra loud and put across the room just so I get out of bed.
Everyone seems to be talking about resolutions and what they have planned for this year. I do have a few things on my mind but instead of resolutions...let's just call them a "Things to do" list. If I say that they are resolutions am I really just saying that "I want to do these things but I'm really not committed to actually follow through"? For me, that is what the word resolution seems to bring. Making my "to do" list for the year is just better for me. I am a list person and I like to cross things off.
So what is on my "Things to do" list? Here are a few: (Ok...my hands are trembling at this list a bit because I know that by writing them down I am committing myself to these)
- Secret. I can't say this one. But, this is something that I thought up a few months ago and really wanted to start the first of the year. Sometimes my family will be involved. Sometimes it will just be me. After 2012 has started off and is on a roll I will probably share this on the blog.
- Warrior Dash. Can't believe I just wrote that. Ahhhhhhh! I am not a mud person. I am not a girl that likes to get dirty. Never have. I like to get disgusting at the gym though and don't have a problem dripping with sweat. When there is dirt involved and a chance for that to turn into mud...I don't get very excited. Do I think I can run up a hill that is actually used for skiing? Umm. No. But, I know a few people that are crazy enough to take part in another race called the Tough Mudder. (You know who you are and I still think you are crazy). If people can do something like the Tough Mudder and people that I know have survived the Warrior Dash, I can do it too. I will be nervous and really scared but I can do it. Now, I just need to find someone to do this with. Anyone? I do need some motivation by having someone by my side to finish this thing. The one that I want to do is on June 30th or July 1st in South Hastings, MN. PLEASE...PLEASE...join me!
- I will be doing more with my blog too. I am working on some kinks and have to learn some more in order to get my blog to do what I want it to do. I have a plan though and am not sure when it will all happen but it will be a work in progress for awhile. I do know a lot of people with kids though and want to have a day where I write about being a parent and all the fun, trials and discussions that go along with the job of the big M-O-M. I really enjoy being in the gym and learning new things, seeing results based on what I am doing and learning from what others write and tell me...so a day will be dedicated just for all of that. That is 2 out of 7 days. Hmm. See, it is still a work in progress.
- Another item on my to-do list is continuing to help Jeff spread the word about his business so he can help others. The results say it all. If I didn't have Jeff telling me what to do (and then actually doing what he says) I would still have a waist that was the same size. I wouldn't have the flexibility that I have and am continuing to work on in my hips. I wouldn't have the confidence that I do in the gym. Let me say that one again...I wouldn't have the confidence that I have when I am in the gym. Today, I took a 50lb barbell and did push presses with it. I've been stuck at 40 lbs and just for fun I thought I would try a 50lb one this morning. Now I usually take this into the area for the women so I don't have to do this in front of everyone. The 50lb barbell is a bit heavier though and I really didn't want to bring it to the other side of the gym just to lift it above my head a few times. So I did it in front of everyone. And...I didn't care at all! I would never have done this (nor could I have done this) 9 weeks ago when I started. To sum it up...I have had great results with his plan and I can't help but want to tell everyone. I will be working with his blog as well and hopefully helping lots of people get healthier.
- 3 5k's. Last year I did two...the Stay Out Of The Sun Run in Rochester, MN and the Applefest Run in Fort Dodge, IA. What additional one should I pick for 2012?
- Our family has already made a lot of changes in our food to establish healthier eating. This will be continued and little by little we will keep eliminating the "bad" stuff and substituting it for healthier options. The best part is that my kids don't even seem to notice anymore when a change is made. We aren't an all organic family (hello...I run a day care and that would make me raise my fees a lot) but there are a lot of things that we don't eat or have in the home. Little by little we will keep eating the things that we are meant to eat rather than what was chemically processed for us to eat.
- My health. This past year was quite the year for me health wise. Whooping cough. Bronchitis more times than I can count. Asthma being diagnosed. ER visit for severe dehydration as a result of having bronchitis. Trying to figure out the right medicine for my asthma. Burst eardrum. Sinus infections (2 in the last 2 months). I think that covers the big stuff. I've had several scary days this past year where I thought I would need to visit the ER just because I couldn't breathe well. Every single cold that I got turned into bronchitis which was then at least 4 weeks of coughing and just not feeling my best. The last 2 colds that I have gotten didn't turn into bronchitis and I only had 1 day that was difficult and where I had my inhaler right next to me at all times. My guess is that I am starting to figure out the asthma stuff and that the medicine that I'm on is working. My to-do is to keep working on figuring out what I need to do to stay healthy and to listen to what my body is telling me.
If you are thinking of making a resolution or a "to-do" in regards to getting healthy, here is a great quote that I saw today on Facebook. Maybe it will inspire you a bit too. (just substitute the word "darn" for "damn"...that isn't me talking and if you know me you know that already)
Happy New Year!
1 comment:
Keep up the good work, Jessica! Those are some good goals! And remembering that it's a process, is something I need to do. I'm such an all-or-nothing person. I like the quote "Progress, not perfection."
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