Sunday, February 15, 2009

Carpet is a new shade of...what color is that?

There is now a spot on our carpet by my side of the bed from a little child. Micah was very sick last night and it was a night of cleaning, changing, more cleaning and even more changing.

I now realize how nice it is to have an older child that actually knows how to puke in a bowl and realized how hard it is for a 4 year old to do this when they don't get to practice very often. Each time he got sick Micah would run to us or run to the bathroom. He never made it to the toilet or to the bowl any of those times so we had a lot of mopping and carpet cleaning to do last night.

So far no one else has gotten sick and today our house has the nice smell of bleach as the aroma.

In a few minutes, I will be heading off to have supper with my family in Mason City. We were supposed to celebrate Micah's birthday and my grandpa's but one of the birthday guests won't be there to celebrate probably. Instead, he will get to stay home with daddy and watch some movies.

1 comment:

The McCutcheons said...

Yes, I have felt your pain before. It's terrible to deal with that stuff at night! Why does it always happen at night?

(Today was our "sheet washing" day! Laundry ALWAYS needs to be done at our house. I have to wash two small loads a day.)