The song by Alicia Keys that goes "this girl is on fire!" goes through my head a lot. If you really know me you also have come to the realization that those are the only words to that song that I actually know. So, that is what I sing...over and over. It makes the other human beings in our house just so happy. ;)
As I am walking up and down my stairs today I am realizing that my quads are on fire so...of course, I changed the words to the song and sang, "these quads are on fire!". Today was a lower body workout type of day and I am feeling it.
I did 70 squats this morning and a lot of deadlifts...and I am feeling that extra weight that I put on those bars today. I am supposed to increase the weights that I use by about 5 pounds each time...and that is a challenge with the workout I have right now. Today I started off by doing a set of 20 reps of squats on the squat rack. 20 is a lot. Each set goes down in the number of reps that I do and by the end I really just want to sit down and not finish the 10 that I have left. My legs are basically screaming..."if you make your butt go down one more time I am not going to be able to lift you back up."
I also worked on a few other lower body things but one that seems to stand out for me is the reverse crunch. I had no idea this existed until last week. It might look easy but I can tell hurts but feels so good when you know you finished. Last week I thought that I may just die on the mat at the gym. Today I actually had a thought that I could master this technique. I have a long ways to go until I do that but at least today it didn't feel like I was going to throw up when I was done with these crunches. It reminds me a bit of when I started to do crunches again the regular first it seemed impossible. Each additional time that I worked on crunches the more I could do! Success!
What I lifted today: 4,085 pounds
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