My Favorite Links right now...these are what I read, get info from and cook from...enjoy!
- great ideas for those lighter type of meals (not filled with tons (or any) sugar and easy to substitue ingredients with...also great pictures and layout!
Do you want to be challenged in your relationship with God? Read her stuff...WOW! She makes you want to sell everything you have, or better yet...give it away and she really makes you think about how you are truly what you are doing on a regular basis really making an impact on the world? That's what we are here on this earth for, right?
Lift heavy, eat what you should and you will get the results that you are looking for. It's pretty plain and simple and yet these women who formed this group are humble, talk about their challenges, what they recommend from their years of experience and guess what...they answer you back when you have a question! I've learned how to properly do specific exercises from these women and they are the reason I love lifting heavy stuff. They also have recipes that they share too!
Powerlifting...this is one that I mentioned a few days ago that I read. It's a great article!
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