- it's date night (Chris, where are we going?),
- it's warm outside for MN,
- my wrist is slowly getting better,
- that I can pray for a wonderful person that needs it,
- that my kiddos are doing great and
- I hit one of my goals this morning at the gym!
Not only did I survive taking the kids out to eat by myself for Micah's birthday but also the birthday party for my middle child. I had a cranky 4 year old that wanted to be the center of attention the entire time, a 10 year that wanted to help but also mix that in with being in charge...when it was convenient for her, and also had 11 little kids ages 4 to 10 in a room (get this part) with 2 snakes! Oh...and I was by myself. Chris had a high fever today and wasn't feeling good so I had to venture on my own. It was interesting...let's just say that. Sidney actually was a very good helper although she is still a kid and just wants to have fun too. Sid scooped up the ice cream for me and helped clean up the room a bit.
Today was a crazy day and I am tired but I also just need to unwind a bit. So much going on today and my mind isn't ready to shut off. Here is a little bit of what I was thinking today, a lot actually stemming from what I wrote earlier this week:
- Chris and I never did get our date night which not only disappointed both he and I but made me realize that the kids had to come first. Micah has been having some hard weeks at AWANA. Not sure what the deal is exactly but it all sortof escalated on Wednesday as soon as he walked in the door from school. (Never call me at 4:30pm...this is when Micah and Sid walk in the door and if things are not going well for them for any reason, anything that I planned for the next 30 minutes is just forgotten. They won't let me get to whatever it is anyways and I need a moment to catch up with them briefly too and see how their day was.) Micah is our emotional kid and when something goes wrong it is usually something that he will get worked up over. This particular day, it was a scratch from earlier that at some point did have blood on it and thus required a nurse (not his first trip to see her) to get a bandaid. I am sure that the nurse in their school knows Micah by name. Other things happened too and to top it all off, Micah didn't get a verse memorized so he didn't feel ready for AWANA. Ok. We have really been slacking at AWANA this year and memorizing verses has taken a back seat to make room for school work. Why he picked this night to make this an issue is beyond me. To sum it up, he didn't go to AWANA. He did however get his pj's on and spent the night right by our side playing with toys and talking. I think he just wanted to be with us.
- Today I thought, "wow, our snow is almost gone". That was the extent of this thinking today. :)
- My wrist is getting better but I did try to lift a car seat yesterday and BAM...something hurts. I shouldn't have done that. Kids in car seats can be so heavy! All you moms out there that are carrying babies in car seats, check out your arm muscles cause I know that you are carrying 30+ pounds all the time, in and out of that car.
- Most of my thinking today has been about a great friend and person that I have gotten to know. The person hasn't just been in my thoughts but the family as well. A lady that helped me start Teen MOPS and who also went to several of the Sisseton mission trips was diagnosed with cancer a few years ago. Her battle has not been easy and she has been doing clinical trials for awhile now since all the other medical resources have been used. This lady is one tough mom but she is so strong. Her faith is also right on the surface and she is so encouraging. She is definitely one person that you can look up to...and in today's world these people are hard to find. Her fight is almost over and reading the news that this is the next step is just heartbreaking. I know she has really been feeling yucky the past few weeks and I have looked to see if she is at church with her family and I haven't seen her sitting in the seats for several Sundays. I know she will be in a better place but we will still miss her, a lot! It's hard to have a bright, cheery day when you know the pain that a family is going through right now. It's also hard to not celebrate each moment that you have with people when you see how short life can be. She is one person that I wish I could have spent more time with but I am very glad of the times when I did get to know her better. Can someone just find a cure for this cancer stuff already please?
- The kids are doing great and tonight I got to see how much one child really loves someone else in the house. Our birthdays in the house consist of us going out to eat. Once the lunch was over, the birthday party was over and our errands were done...I was exhausted! I ran out to get Chinese food (I wasn't cooking anything remotely good or healthy after today) and I put myself on the couch and haven't gotten up since. Sid went to a friends house for a sleepover and everyone in the house, except me, went to bed at 8pm. At 9pm Micah comes downstairs sobbing. He missed Sidney and since it was his birthday he thought that she should be here with him. Tears, tears and more tears. He was crying so hard I couldn't even understand what he was saying. He thought that Sid loved him though and would have wanted to be here on the night of his birthday. Warning girls...whoever marries Micah better keep his birthday open and be with him all day! I think he is going to expect it.
- Thoughts of the gym are not escaping me at any point today. If I walk a little funny or don't seem to move a lot it is because I CAN'T! Foam roll, foam roll, foam roll. I know. The gym did this to me. It hurts! But...I lost an inch in my hips this past month. An inch people! That saying, "no pain, no gain" is so true but don't you ever just want to rip out the tongue of whoever is saying it because the pain is just not fun to endure? That might be a bit harsh, but really, why does it have to hurt so much? At least I know that the exercises are working and that I am getting stronger.
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