I have made a few changes this week that has caused him to wonder who I am. These changes are things that are not normal for me and really are unlike anything that I have been the last 11 or 12 years.
I am learning 2 things about change:
- Make little changes. If I make little changes then I will probably stick with the changes I have made.
- I would love to overhaul our entire eating here at The Williams House. That isn't going to happen. We have replaced a lot of our food with healthier choices and we will continue to change things out gradually. I recently was reintroduced to Trader Joe's in town and am amazed at how comparable their prices are for the same food that I buy at the grocery store, or even a better option than the store...like organic!
- Replace some of the things I used to consume with healthier choices.
- Diet Pepsi needed a replacement. I have found it...coffee. I even made my own pot of coffee today, all by myself! I have NEVER made a pot of coffee. Yes, I am thirty (cough, cough) years old and I have never made a pot of coffee. I can see myself drinking more of this dark liquid :) Luckily I have access to some great coffee beans ;)
- Bread can easily be replaced by eating yogurt, almonds and some fruit or some other snack that includes a protein and a fruit or vegetable.
I found this picture recently on Pinterest (yes...many ideas come from this great site). I think it sums up a lot of what we think we want to eat and what our body is really telling us to eat. I really enjoy the one labeled PMS and the other category of Alcohol or Marijuana.
Ultimately I do want to eat cleaner...meaning, reducing our processed foods. Am I perfect with my eating? Nope.
I know that I write a lot about food. If I am serious and truthful about my journey, food is a huge part of this for me. Writing down what I am trying to do may help someone else see that they too can conquer this issue that so many of us have with all those items on the shelf.
I am super motivated right now too because one of my friends just reached a goal that she had been working on for a long time. I am very happy for her! I realized though that there were things that I can change to help me reach the goals that I have for myself. If I want to reach those goals then I must be honest with myself and sacrifice my taste buds for the foods that they loves to taste and find alternatives that are healthier.
My workout today:
It's been awhile since I wrote about a workout that I have done. Sickness, blah, blah, blah. I am thinking I am now back on track.
I started a new phase today. I didn't get to finish everything and since I was short on time I decided the one exercise I would need to skip today was the Romanian Deadlifts. I will do those tomorrow along with some cardio intervals.
Today included several new exercises so I had some learning to do. I already know that I did some wrong or with technique that wasn't the best. Of course I didn't figure this out until after I was done but at least I have the knowledge for next time. It did feel like most of my time today was spent on squats. Squat this, squat that, hold this squat...squat, squat, squat. I was finishing up with some squat intervals at the end (jump squats...I hate, hate, hate these!...squats and then holding a squat) and at the second set I thought my legs were going to fall off. My legs were no longer holding muscles and bones...it was just a Jell-o mold.
Today was also different for me because I forgot my headphones. Music inspires me, gets me moving and sometimes wakes me up as I sit on the floor in the gym. No headphones. I even searched the car to see if the kids had a pair in the back. (they cleaned the car out yesterday...so no headphones for me). And...yes, there is an and...the music at the gym was off. What?!? The one day I don't have my headphones is the day that they decide to just leave the music off. I made it through though but I will make sure that I have my headphones for tomorrow.
The trainer that I work with also has some information on his site about change. You can view that info here!
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