Saturday, August 9, 2008 I come!

After spending many hours last night cleaning up after Sidney, it hit me this, not the sickness...that Sidney was probably having a reaction to her shots that she got a week ago.

She had 4 shots and she always seems to get some sort of a reaction from shots, just not as bad as what she had yesterday. I totally forgot that she reacts this way because it has been a few years since she has had these particular shots. I was terrified last night that we were all going to come down with some sort of flu thing while Chris was away but luckily we didn't and it was just some sort of reaction. On a good note, our house was very sanitized last night.

I was on the phone with the nurses at the doctors office for awhile today going over her symptoms to help determine which shot it was that was causing her to be so sick. I wanted to make sure it was on her charts too for any future shots that she might get. We figured out the shot and she probably won't have another reaction like this until her next set of shots when she is 11. Looking forward to that :) Chris can clean up the puke then and I will make sure she is in his car too.

Since Sid threw up in the car we get to go buy a new car seat (booster) for her tomorrow. I threw the other one away. For $15 for a new booster, it just isn't worth cleaning up the old one. Gross.

Hopefully, if you are reading this, you haven't just ate because maybe you now too will be needing to buy a new chair or couch or computer ;)

Micah's glasses aren't here yet but I will keep you posted when they are here.

I also felt very proud of myself this morning. I needed to give the boys a bath and knew that we had a lot going on tonight and it would be tough to fit one because we were having a movie night and watching Peter Pan. To solve that problem, both boys had a bath befor 7:30 am this morning, just in time before day care kids go there. Give myself a pat on my back.

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