Monday, January 23, 2012

American Heritage Girls

Growing up I was part of Girl Scouts.  Was I the best Girl Scout?  I doubt it.  See, I am not a huge fan of dirt, cooking isn't a huge highlight in life for me and being outside in a sleeping bag when I could be inside on a mattress.  Am I right?  Who's with me?  ;)

Sidney is part of a group called American Heritage Girls...a.k.a. AHG.  There is camping, badge earning and so much fun.  The leaders all are so dedicated and you can tell that they truly enjoy and love what they are doing.  The whole organization is also Christian based which is great for girls that are growing up in a world that we are living in today.

Tonight was the winter ceremony for AHG.  Sid earned 5 badges and worked so hard at these.  3 of the badges she earned at camp and these are already on her uniform.  She did receive 2 other ones tonight though which I get to sew on for her.  

So proud of you Sid!  Keep up the good work.

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