Sunday, August 29, 2010

Lesson for our kids...

Today our family finally completed something that we have been working on for quite awhile. Today, we finished up some blankets for a few kids at the Ronald McDonald House here in Rochester, MN.

Back in June, the kids went to the fabric store with me and picked out some fabric for this very important project. They were very careful about what they decided upon for colors and worked very hard to make sure that the two fabrics that they picked worked well together.

We had a night where we worked on these blankets very hard and were very focused...and then, took a break because our lives got a bit busier for a few weeks.

Our family finished up these 4 blankets today and took them over as a group to the Ronald McDonald House. The kids carried these in and dropped them off and let the person at the desk know that these were for the kids. They were a bit on the shy side and were a little quiet and scared because they didn't know what to expect when they walked in the doors today but they did an awesome job.

While we were finishing up our blankets today we talked about why the Ronald McDonald House is in Rochester and who stays at the house. The kids had great ideas as they were thinking about families that needed a place to stay. The kids realized that there were some kids that probably came from far away that needed to stay there for a bit while they got healthy and that they didn't get to bring all of their toys with them while they were getting help at Mayo to get better. I also let them know that their grandma also stayed at the Ronald McDonald House in Des Moines several times while my sister was sick. This was one place that I didn't see or visit while Jaclyn was sick but remember how helpful this was for the times that my sister would get sick very fast and need to stay in Des Moines for a few weeks.

I am very proud of my little kiddos...they are learning how to help others and realizing more and more how important it is to help those that are in need and to think of others rather than themselves.

We have also been talking about the characteristics that Jesus has and one of those we have mentioned is being generous. Hopefully these teaching moments will help the kids learn that it is much more important to give to others that are in need rather than to receive things.

Good job today Sid, Micah and Quinn!

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