Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Enjoy the show!

Happy 4th of July from Narrow Road Coffee!  Coffee is waiting for you...just click on Narrow Road Coffee and order some today.

The Williams Family 4th of July...the kids and I spent some quality time at Home Depot sitting in the patio furniture area.  Why?  Our family had a bit of car trouble (van is stuck at Home Depot and won't budge an inch...actually it won't even start.  Stinkin' van!) so we are watching Alvin and the Chipmunks, Chipwrecked.  You are jealous...I know.  With our one vehicle (with hardly functioning a/c) Chris ran out to get the kids some of those popping things to play with.  As they were out throwing them on the ground we found out that they were throwing them at the feet of a door-to-door salesman.  We have had quite the week here in the Williams house and we are just going to relax as a family tonight and enjoy our movie together.  Oh, I also steam cleaned the floors and the kids played in the neighbors pool for a little bit.  Lots of fun happening!  The kids are finishing up their day by wearing and using their glo-sticks that we got at the dollar store this morning, before the van died on us.  Regardless of the little stresses that we have in our life at the moment we are truly thankful for our freedom in this country, our families, fun times together & the memories that we will have of these holidays.

What will you be doing on the 4th?  

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